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The Rainmaker Family Show | Build Your Family Business

Apr 30, 2021

Growing up we always heard the warning “Don’t talk to strangers on the internet!” which may have been great advice at the time, but now it’s 2021 and most of the people we talk to, are in fact online. That’s how we met today's guest Rachel. Rachel clicked on one of our Youtube videos and really took it to...

Apr 23, 2021

Hey, Rainmakers! Stephen and Chelsey here, this is one of those episodes that you may want to save or download for later, there is a good chance you won’t even make it to the end of the show before you start taking action on this opportunity. At least that is how we felt when we first heard a podcast about this!


Apr 16, 2021

Think back to the first time you rode a roller coaster. The nervous excitement you felt as the car clicked higher and high leading you to the very top, and then *boom* a sudden drop. The kind of drop that makes your stomach do flip-flops, makes you scream, makes you sick, but also leads you to the next high place, the...

Apr 9, 2021

There is a reason why they say "growing pains" and not "growing pleasure." Sometimes, growing and going to a new level can be painful...

When we look back on our own Rainmaker Journey we can see many times that we have had to trim back and prune certain areas of our lives if we wanted to see real fruit start to...

Apr 2, 2021

We believe that money is so much more than just paying is an amazing tool to serve people, create impact and achieve your dreams.

In today's episode, we are going to have an honest conversation about generating money, adding value to others, and buying back your time. 

Listen in as we share personal stories...